Medicinal Garden Kit – BRAND NEW!

  • March 20, 2023 1:28 AM
  • Other, Masvingo, Zimbabwe
Medicinal Garden Kit – BRAND NEW!
$70total price


  • Category : Other
  • Currency Type : $USD
  • Product Condition : New
  • Product Brand : Medical Garden kit


About Nicole Apelian, Ph.D
For Order click now on the following link
I am a mother, an herbalist, a survival skills instructor, and a biologist. I graduated with a degree in Biology from McGill University and further developed my herbal skills in the desert of Kalahari. I lived there for years with one of the oldest cultures on Earth, the San Bushmen. Many San still live off what the land provides in terms of food and medicine, and many of them live well to a ripe old age without ever taking pills or seeing the inside of a hospital.

When I was just 29 years old, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. MS is an incurable autoimmune condition that makes your own immune system attack the brain and spinal cord. I was in constant agony, most of the times in a wheelchair.

The Western treatment prescribed by my doctors didn’t provide much relief.

For the last 20 years I’ve been managing my MS using the natural remedies that I personally grow in my backyard. I went from being pushed in a wheelchair to being fully alive. So much that in 2015 I survived for 57 days straight in the wild on the History Channel’s TV show Alone.

I turn to my small backyard pharmacy whenever I’m in pain, catch a cold, have fever, and so on. I haven’t stepped foot in a pharmacy in a very long time. I have all I need here in my backyard for me and my whole family.

A Complete Natural Pharmacy in Your Backyard

I made this Medicinal Garden Kit because I wanted to empower other people to take their health into their own hands.

I think everyone should have a medicinal garden in their backyard. This way you can easily go and pick the remedy you need at any time. Your backyard pharmacy will be there for you even in times of crisis when pharmacies might be closed or looted.

Imagine stepping into your backyard and looking at your new colorful medicinal garden. Your backyard will smell of fresh lavender and chamomile.

You can pick any of these medicinal plants and turn it into the remedy you need.

I’ve gathered all the seeds for 10 herbs, inside the Medicinal Garden Kit. All these seeds have been handpicked from the very best plants, as I wanted nothing less than premium quality seeds.

With your seeds kit, you’ll also receive a FREE Medicinal Guide that shows you how to turn these 10 plants into tinctures, ointments, salves, poultices, decoctions, infusions, essential oils —all in minute detail so you can follow our guide even if you’ve never made an herbal medicine in your life.

The 10 Medicinal Plants You’ll Have in Your Backyard:

Chicory – The Painkilling Plant You Should Grow in Your Backyard

This is the wild plant that Native Americans used to look for more than any other. They’d harvest and use chicory to make a natural painkilling extract for a wide range of physical discomforts, especially stiff and achy joints. And so can you! The root is rich in chicoric acid (CA), a plant compound with potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties but no risk of addiction. If our pharmacies ever run dry, having even a small patch of chicory growing in your own backyard will provide relief.

Quick Backyard Remedy

Add 1 Tbsp of ground chicory root to your coffee or tea. It’s a prebiotic and natural laxative that will help move things along and regulate your bowels.

Garden Uses

Chicory is a very good soil builder in your garden, pulling nutrients up from deeper in the soil with its long taproot and then returning them to the surface when it dies back.

Recipes You’ll Find in Brochure

Chicory Salve for Pain Relief, Chicory Coffee for Better Digestion, a Decoction for Adrenal Fatigue, Chicory Infusion for Sinuses, Anti-Fungal Poultice, Liver Protection Tincture

Yarrow – The Backyard Wound Healer

You always want to have a quick and reliable way to stop a wound from bleeding and help prevent infection. Yarrow does both, and it really saved my knuckle. On day 42 of Alone, I accidentally cut my hand while gutting a fish. The wound was very deep and most likely would have gotten infected since I had no antibiotics with me.


  • The Most Powerful Plant for a Healthy Digestive System
  • When most people hear marshmallow, they tend to picture the white fluffy treat commonly roasted over a campfire. Traditionally these were made from the root of the marshmallow plant, a powerful medicinal herb that you’ll want to grow yourself at home. Its leaves and root are antibacterial, and most importantly, they contain a sap-like substance called mucilage.
  • As the marshmallow mucilage goes down through your digestive tract, it will coat your stomach, intestines, and colon with an additional protective layer, soothing inflammation it finds along the way. That’s why this tea also helps people with stomach ulcers and digestive disorders, such as heartburn, indigestion, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, or Chron’s disease.
  • Quick Backyard Remedy
  • Pull out a few marshmallow roots, wash off the dirt, and add them to a glass jar or cup. Cover with ice-cold water and let the mucilage extract for a few hours. Drink for a soothing and restorative effect all along your digestive tract, from mouth to colon.
  • Garden Uses
  • Painted lady butterflies are attracted to it, and native pollinators cover its blossoms all summer long.
  • Recipes You'll Find in Brochure
  • Cold Root Infusion for Heartburn and Reflux, Stomach Tea, Marshmallow Poultice for Skin Repair, Decoction for Stubborn Coughs, Throat Syrup, Marshmallow Salve